For next months swap at my local scrapbooking store,
Addicted To Scrap, we need to do the themes Roaring 20's/Vintage and Autumn. Since that means I need to make 24 cards, I thought I'd try to get an early jump on them. After the clown swap last week, I'm feeling that my cards tend to be too 'cute' for the rest of the group. Since they're all lovely ladies, no one has said anything, but I do have a very different style to the others. Anyway, I thought I'd try a more mixed-media appraoch to my work for the autumn card. The result it below. I think it's still too cute though, probably the bright colours I use, so it's going to be available to trade and I'll make another attempt later.

In other craft news I have made a Mothers Day card for my mum, but I can't show it here since I gave her the link. I'll post a photo once I know she's received it.
Non-craft related activities I've participated in recently include watching Ben roll down a massive hill. For our 7-year anniversary I bought him a gift voucher for a
Zorb harness ride. Since it's almost expired (our 8-year anniversary is one month away!) he finally booked in to give it a go. If anyone in Australia has seen the 3 Mobile TV ads with the cricketers bouncing round in rubber balls - that's pretty much what Zorbing is. You can do either a dry run, where you get strapped in and tumble end over end down the hill, or a wet run, where you sit or jump around inside the ball along with 40 litres of water. You can do the wet one with up to three people.
Benny looking fairly confident at the entrance to the park.
Ben is actually in that ball, rolling down the hill. Its a 130m track and you can get up to 35km speed.
Finally, a little pale but safe at the bottom. He said it was a great experience.