I have admired all the handicraft works entered into the Melbourne show since I started going when I was little. Since moving to the Gold Coast we have checked out the Show here both years and to be honest I like the smaller scale, makes it feel more like a proper country show. The Gold Coast also has a scapbooking section for its handicrafts and this year I decided to take the plunge and enter! You can see my 9 entries below, displayed just before I dropped them off earlier today.

Ben says that the important thing isn't winner or losing but that I actually went ahead and entered after wanting to for so many years. I think he's right, because I do feel a sense of accomplishment especially since I created 4 of these LO's especially for the show in the past 2 months. To be honest though, I would really like to come home with something to show for my efforts, even if it's just an honourable mention certificate. :) I'm not sure when judging is but the show opens on Friday so I think it's before then. Wish me luck!
Good luck, hope it's an enjoyable experience :)